Why Do My Nipples Hurt? 5 Reasons They Are Sore and Painful
Experiencing pain in any part of the body is unpleasant, but it’s especially annoying when it involves your nipples. After all, it isn’t exactly a place where you can attempt to soothe yourself in public. Nipples are a particularly sensitive part of the body and they can ache, hurt, burn or become sore for a variety of reasons.
If nipple pain is something you’re experiencing, check out the below list. It details the common causes of nipple pain as well as what to do to alleviate symptoms. Doctors also explain when it’s best to see your healthcare provider about nipple pain instead of trying to troubleshoot on your own.
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5 Reasons For Nipple Pain
1. It could be due to fluctuating hormones
Dr. Felice Gersh, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn and integrative medicine doctor, says that changes in hormone levels can result in altered nipple sensations. Because of this, some women may have sensitive nipples in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which begins after ovulation. “Nipples have receptors to progesterone and estrogen and also are imbued with an exquisite nerve supply. The increased sensitivity is typically related to the change in balance of estrogen and progesterone,” Dr. Gersh says, explaining why nipple pain during the luteal phase can occur.
Dr. BreAnna Guan, ND, a licensed naturopathic physician specializing in women’s hormone health, also says that these hormonal fluctuations during the luteal phase are common causes of breast and nipple pain. “This pain is known as cyclical mastalgia. Most women will experience cyclical mastalgia sometime in their life,” she says, adding that hormonal birth control and hormone replacement therapy can also cause mastalgia.
If your nipple pain is connected to fluctuating hormones, Dr. Guan says eating foods that help balance estrogen levels can help. “Fiber-rich foods support optimal gut health and [this] helps balance estrogen levels and support estrogen elimination,” she says, adding that consuming one to two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds daily throughout the month can also help balance estrogen metabolism. Dr. Gersh says that eating iodine-containing foods—such as shellfish, seaweed and kelp—can help alleviate nipple pain connected to fluctuating hormones as well.
Related: Dealing With Low-Estrogen? Consider Loading Up On These 15 Estrogen-Rich Foods
2. Breastfeeding can cause nipple pain
Dr. Guan says that it’s not uncommon for new mothers to experience breast pain, including nipple pain. Both Dr. Guan and Dr. Gersh say that this will subside over time. “The nipple will become stronger and more tolerant to the nursing,” Dr. Gersh says. She says to make sure that the baby is latching on correctly and that the entire nipple is in the baby’s mouth, not just the tip. This will make nipple pain less likely.
For relief until your nipples become stronger, Dr. Gersh recommends applying a little organic olive oil on your nipples, which can be soothing. Both doctors say that there are also nipple creams and ointments that can be purchased and may help as well.
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3. It could be your clothes
“Tight and restrictive clothing could cause more pain and reduced circulation or increased swelling,” Dr. Guan says. She adds that bras that don’t fit properly (including sports bras) or with an underwire can also increase the risk for pain. To minimize nipple pain from your clothes, Dr. Guan says to choose fabrics that are breathable and to make sure your bra fits properly.
Dr. Guan says that it isn’t just the fabric or fit that can cause nipple pain and make them sort to touch; it could be how you’re washing your clothes. “Detergents and cleaning products with harsh chemicals or fragrances may cause more skin irritation,” she says. If you think your detergent could be the problem, look for ones labeled as “gentle” or specifically for sensitive skin.
4. You may have an underlying medical condition
Dr. Gersh says that it’s super rare, but nipple pain can be associated with a type of cancer called Paget’s breast disease. “This involves changes to the skin of the nipple,” she says. “If skin changes are involved or there is an abnormal nipple discharge of any sort, a medical consultant is definitely needed.”
If you’re worried that your nipple pain is connected to an undiagnosed medical problem, Dr. Guan says to pay attention to other symptoms; nipple pain is very likely not the only indicator that something is off. “It’s important to consider the coinciding symptoms. If there’s a fever or a general feeling of being unwell, fatigue accompanying pain, an infection, or other cause is more likely,” she says.
5. Skin disorders can cause nipple pain
Eczema, psoriasis and contact dermatitis can all cause nipple pain, according to Dr. Guan. These skin conditions can cause the nipples to itch or even break out into a rash. Dr. Gersh says that allergic reactions can also cause nipple pain, though this is rare.
If your nipple pain is caused by a skin disorder, taking an over-the-counter pain reliever or pressing a moist compress to your chest can help alleviate symptoms.
When To See A Doctor About Nipple Pain
Both doctors say that there are times when it’s important to see a doctor because of your nipple pain. “If a lump is felt, there is abnormal discharge or blood coming from the nipple, the skin of the nipple is not what it normally is, if the pain is severe and persistent, or anytime there is a concern are all good times to see a doctor because of nipple pain,” Dr. Gersh says.
Dr. Guan reiterates that if the nipple pain is accompanied by other symptoms (such as fatigue, a fever, or general feelings of unwell) this is also when it’s important to book an appointment with your healthcare provider.
Though it’s annoying, nipple pain is always temporary and there are ways to alleviate the symptoms in the meantime. If you have any concerns at all about what’s causing your nipple pain, see your doctor. After all, staying “abreast” of your health is what they’re there for!
Next up, here are 16 reasons why your nipples may feel itchy.
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