Why Clayton Reeves From NCIS Looks So Familiar – Looper
“Captain Marvel” is a superhero movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe released in 2019. For those counting chronologically, it’s movie number 21 on an evergrowing list that has well surpassed 30 at this point. The story follows Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a human inflicted with amnesia and superpowers. Before rediscovering her past, she’s brainwashed and subdued by the galaxy’s greatest mansplainer, Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), a Kree military commander with an aggressive hatred for most other alien species. That loathing is primarily directed at the Skrull, a race of shapeshifters.
Duane Henry portrays a nameless Kree soldier. Technically, he portrays Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) as a nameless Kree Soldier. Talos is a Skrull just trying to save his family from the oppressive Kree regime and, in doing so, finds himself aligned with Carol and her team. The first hint that something is different about Henry’s nameless Kree soldier is that Goose, a many-tentacled hell beast shaped like a fuzzy little kitty cat, refuses to eat him. If that weren’t enough of a hint, he goes on to kill the other Kree soldiers present. Hey, it saves his family and lowers the overall number of racists. Feels like a win-win situation.
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