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inspirational verses

The God Squad: Theological blitzkrieg

Q: Being a religious spiritualist and studying many types of religions, how does one know what is REAL and what is not? I grew up Lutheran and heard how we were THE religion, when we had a Catholic Church right across the street!I…

The God Squad: More bedtime blessings

Q: Dear Rabbi Gellman, I have been a faithful fan since first reading your and Monsignor Tom Hartman’s newspaper column and watching "The God Squad" on cable television. I’m pleased to respond to your request regarding prayers that were…

The God Squad: More God winks

Q: Over the years, I have been blessed and open to God winks. Not too long ago, my grandson was having problems with his parent’s divorce. I decided to ask my deceased mother, Olga, and my deceased son, Joe, (he died at birth) to…