‘I Lost Control and I Want to Apologize for That’: Tucker Carlson Goes Berserk Over Essay in the New York Times
In a lengthy monologue on Friday night, Tucker Carlson went off on the author of a guest essay in the New York Times about raising kids in China.
The author, Heather Kaye, lived in China for 16 years as a fashion designer. She raised two daughters there.
“She misses the communist party of China co-parenting her children,” Carlson said. “She misses their ‘firm hand’ and we’re quoting. We’re not making this up.”
He quoted an excerpt:
Our stringent government co-parent quickly made its presence felt. The girls’ Chinese kindergarten lectured us on everything, including how many hours our daughters should sleep, what they should eat and their optimal weight.
“The Communist Chinese Party [sic] fat-shamed this lady’s kids!” the Fox News host exclaimed, before continuing to read from the piece:
We sometimes felt as if our children were on loan to us for evenings and weekends, to be delivered back to school each weekday.
“Now, again, she’s not writing a new version of Darkness at Noon, she’s complementing the government of China,” he said.
In the essay, Haye wrote, “Ironically, the tight control of the Communist Party surveillance state results in its own kind of freedom: With crime and personal safety concerns virtually eliminated, our daughters were riding the subway unsupervised in a city of around 26 million people from the age of 11.”
Carlson cited the first part of the aforementioned sentence, but declined to read the words after “freedom,” which might add some context about the writer’s mindset.
The host ripped into Haye, whom he did not name:
“That is un-American,” he said. “That person is sick, and if you don’t recognize how sick that person is, if you long for a fascist government to call you’re little girls fat, you’re a sick person, ok? The fact that the New York Times would run that and expect all of its readers to applaud – “Oh if only the government would tell my kids they’re fat, this would be a better country.”
He then welcomed his guest.
“I lost control and I want to apologize for that, but it’s true,” Carlson told him. “For the New York Times to run a piece from some totally–I don’t want to keep attacking her, some mom who wants the Communist Party to tell children they’re too fat, fat-shame her little girls and she gets off on it, and the New York Times readers applaud this like that’s normal. That is not normal. That’s not American. That’s demented.”
Watch above via Fox News.
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