Blue Blood Fans Are Already Discussing Who Should Succeed Frank As Commissioner – Looper
Let’s be honest; nobody in the Reagan family could sit behind Frank Reagan’s desk, exuding the same gravitas. Erin isn’t a police officer, which isn’t an issue as the PC is someone the mayor appoints. However, she is very valuable in the District Attorney’s office, and moving her to 1PP would be a significant hit to the conviction rate for the DA. Not to mention she has aspirations for the highest office as a lawyer, not a police officer, so the move to her dad’s old desk wouldn’t make a lot of sense for the character. Danny, well, he is the biggest hothead at the family table. And he is also notorious for wearing blinders to any viewpoint not draped in blue.
In a Reddit thread, u/Secretly007 posed the question about who would be the best pick to succeed Frank, and one responder sees the youngest of the family as the only choice with a short justification. u/MaineBoston says simply, “Jamie. He has a level head.” Leading the entire department of over 50,000 people, including 36,000 (according to their website) uniformed officers, requires true blue loyalty and an objective outlook on the need for accountability and improvement. As a trained Harvard attorney and a career police officer, Jamie has unique skills that would be immensely valuable to headquarters.
Of course, there is one setback. Jamie Reagan is still relatively new to police work. While he was a rookie in the pilot, his decade of police work has yet to prepare him thoroughly to leapfrog career officers. While many of the original posters agreed that he doesn’t have the experience, getting the nod now would possibly look like a severe case of nepotism.
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