After Winning CPAC Straw Poll to be GOP’s 2024 VP Pick, Kari Lake’s Campaign Account Offers a Laughable Reason She’d Be Unable to Serve
So because failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has yet to accept her election defeat months after the fact, she came up with an amusing reason why she’d have to decline a theoretical role as Donald Trump’s running mate.
Lake was a keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last week, where she was celebrated for her baseless fraud claims while she continues to deny her loss to Governor Katie Hobbs. Lake’s attempts to challenge the election have failed to make legal headway, so her election denialism highly resembles the kind that Trump has embraced ever since he lost the 2020 election.
As it was, Trump was at CPAC too, and he won the straw poll among attendees on who should be the GOP 2024 candidate. The poll found that most CPACers wanted Lake as Trump’s 2024 vice presidential pick, but Lake decided to double suspend reality by retweeting her campaign’s explanation for the reason she’d be unable to take the position.
“We’re flattered, but unfortunately our legal team says the Constitution won’t allow for her to serve as Governor and VP at the same time.”
A day later, the campaign trolled a Twitter user who pointed out the fallacy of their first tweet: namely, that Lake lost the governorship
And here’s how they impugned the legal system over their failure to overturn Lake’s defeat.
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