‘Absolutely Awful!’ Brian Kilmeade Calls Trump ‘Insane’ for Defending January 6th Rioters at Waco Rally
Brian Kilmdeade did not hold back in his criticism of Donald Trump on Monday morning, lacing into the former president for harping on ongoing court cases instead of touting his accomplishments as 45th president. But Kilmeade really tore into Trump for his celebration of January 6th rioters, calling it “absolutely awful” and “insane” that he would do such a thing.
The Fox & Friends commentary came at the end of a segment on Silicon Valley Bank and the lack of responsibility, or “hell to pay,” as Kilmeade said, shown for the lack of oversight and regulation that led to this and other recent bank failures. But that irresponsibility appeared to be a theme as Kilmeade pivoted to Trump’s campaigning.
“I think for President Trump to spend 80% of his time complaining about court cases instead of just looking at his own record and what he would have done,” Kilmeade said.
“And let me tell you what I would have done to SBG. Let me tell you what I would have done over into Syria if they if we our guys got hit for the 74th time and twice in two days,” Kilmeade continued, suggesting what Trump or other candidates should be saying. “He does that, or other candidates do that, they’re going to be unbelievably successful because that’s going to be the conversation at the kitchen table. ”
Kilmeade then took to Trump’s recent rally in Waco, Texas, which featured a moment when the former president appeared to celebrate rioters on January 6th at the beginning of the event.
“Instead, the United States former president opened up with January Six video,” Kilmeade noted, adding, “which is insane!”
“He should be running from that, period,” he continued. “I don’t care his point of view, that is not a good thing for him. I thought that was absolutely awful. Even though he is winning in the polls, that will not help.”
Watch above via Fox News
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