Chuck Todd Confronts GOP Gov. Sununu With Supercut Showing Him Insisting Trump Won’t Win Nomination: ‘What Say You Now?’
As Donald Trump is, at this moment, the Republican Party’s most likely nominee for 2024, Chuck Todd asked New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) if he was getting cold feet on his bold prediction that someone else will be the party’s standard bearer in the next presidential election.
Sununu joined Todd for a conversation on Sunday, and the Meet The Press moderator noted that the governor has been on “many a program” to make the same prognostation about 2024. Todd then aired a montage of Sununu repeating a variation of this message: “Donald Trump is not going to be the nominee.”
Even though Ron DeSantis (R) was thought to be the most challenging potential rival Trump could face in the Republican primary, the Florida governor’s national position appears to be weakening amid Trump’s relentless attacks against him. It was to that end that Todd told Sununu “You’ve seen the numbers. You’ve seen this shift. You’ve seen the energy. We’ve watched Governor DeSantis. What say you now?”
“Yeah, there’s definitely a shift,” Sununu admitted, “but I still don’t think he’s necessarily going to be the nominee.” He argued that Republicans are rallying around Trump over his current legal battles, but it remains to be seen if that will translate into actual votes for Trump, given his record.
Most folks don’t decide who they’re voting for until about three weeks before the election. So, there’s a lot of politics to play up. There’s not even a single debate has been had. Other candidates are going to get in the race. So, I just think it’s, it’s so far away. And at the end of the day, we want a winner, right? Republicans want someone who can win in November of ‘24. Donald Trump is a loser. He has not just lost once. He lost us our House seats in 2018. He lost everything and ‘20. We should have 54 U.S. Senators right now and we don’t because of his message. So, Donald Trump is positioning himself to be a four-time loser in 2024. We need candidates that can win.
Todd acknowledged Sununu’s point, but he asked if the problem is that most Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump despite all the evidence to the contrary. Sununu answered by reminding the GOP that they need to focus on winning, and that Trump was crafting the party’s message amid all the disappointments they saw from the 2022 midterms.
“You can’t govern if you don’t win, so he drags that ticket down,” Sununu said. “I think that reality is gonna really come to bear into the primary process.”
Watch above via NBC.
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