‘Damn girl, you couldn’t think of the V?’
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Wheel of Fortune fans are going to need to take a breather this weekend after two contestants had them raging at their television sets this week.
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First there was Eboni, who infuriated fans when she picked a letter that had already been asked for by a fellow contestant as she tried to solve a four-word puzzle under the “Event” category.
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Frank guessed “T” first, which wasn’t on the board, before Kylie went with “I” and “L”. Then came Eboni’s turn, who again said “T” and was greeted with silence.
“That has a familiar ring to it,” host Pat Sajak said [per the U.S. Sun]. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
When it eventually came back around to Frank, he solved the puzzle — “Making a Surprise Appearance” — and went on to win $19,000 and a beach vacation.
On Twitter, Eboni’s blunder was met with disbelief. “WTF is wrong [with] this woman?” one viewer wrote. “Haha. Goes bankrupt when she could solve and now calls a letter that’s already up there?”
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In a subsequent episode this week, a contestant named Kaycie went viral after she kept spinning on one puzzle that was missing just two letters under the category “Place” with the completed phrase being: “Live Music Capital of the World.”
“It’s OK,” Sajak said as Kaycie continued to spin. “You’re just making more money. That’s all … we’re almost there. Figure out a letter that makes sense.”
When Kaycie landed on Bankrupt, losing everything, she exclaimed, “No, no, no, no.”
“You know, I can only imagine how frustrating that is for you and I’m sorry,” Sajak said before moving on to the next contestant, Amelia, who promptly landed on $3,500, guessed “S” and then went for the solve.
“I know how it is. Sometimes there’s a word that just doesn’t work,” Sajak said trying to console Kaycie.
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“I couldn’t think of the V,” Kaycie replied.
On social media, Kaycie’s blunder was met with derision, with one fan branding her “THE DUMBEST WHEEL OF FORTUNE CONTESTANT EVER.”
“Damn girl, you couldn’t think of the V?” jabbed another viewer, with a third person adding, “Oh Kaycie, the greed is real.”
The back-to-back gaffes came after Sajak defended a contestant for answering “Miniature goat” in the “Fun & Games” category when the clue read, “MIN______ G___.”
“What’s more fun than a little tiny goat?” Sajak said after another contestant mocked the response. “At least you can laugh at yourself.”
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