Okay, so in order for this proposal to work, we have to assume that loving husband Hal Wilkerson had been running off to Albuquerque regularly enough to keep and raise a child without rousing the suspicions of either Lois back on “Malcolm in the Middle,” or Skyler on “Breaking Bad.” Skyler probably would have missed some stuff — it took her until what, Season 3, to figure out that her husband was a drug dealer? But Lois was pretty sharp. Hal would have needed to drug her food to keep her foggy.
In any case, on learning about the forthcoming birth of his sixth child, Hal picks up a Pontiac Aztec on trade through Craigslist and drives to New Mexico, where his alternative persona, Walter White, is excited to share with his wife and son that his “work” that’s been “keeping him on the road” is finally over, and he’s taken a job as a chemistry teacher at the local high school. This accounts for his restlessness in that flashback scene where him and Skyler buy the house, remember?
However, an ambitious egomaniac like Tim Whatley can only be happy as a simple family man for so longer. Blah blah cancer, blah blah amphetamines, blah blah blah the monopolization of the meth market in the southwest United States. “But wait,” you say, “He dies in the finale!”
Not so fast. Because even while Whatley was running New Mexico’s meth market, this unparalled scientific genius was also experimenting upon his own body. What, you didn’t think he really had cancer, did you?
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