Although Plazir-15 appears to be an idyllic paradise at first glance, with its fantastic domed city and surrounding marsh, both Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze are immediately surprised at the presence of a black RA-7 droid and astromech unit as their welcoming party. Bo-Katan then clarifies that Plazir-15 is remote and that many planets and factions must make do with what is around. Unsurprisingly, the nickname of Death Star droid for RA-7 units is probably much more accurate, not just due to the fact that they were first spotted by audiences on the aforementioned planet-killing super-weapon.
The RA-7 first came into widespread service during the times of the Galactic Republic, which means that many of them were active right before the onset of the Clone Wars, to give a perspective. Unlike other protocol droids that often have a pleasant demeanor, RA-7s are usually arrogant or mean-spirited, and these robots have no qualms with more unsavory work like sabotage and spying. In addition to their more antagonistic usage, RA-7s are aided in their efforts with the aforementioned large eyes, which make them perfect for observation and low-light conditions, as well as a complement of sophisticated audio recorders.
Though Death Star droids aren’t as advanced or as expensive as the 3PO series, their cost, equipment, and personalities make the RA-7s perfect for warlords on a budget or those in desperate need of a protocol droid who don’t necessarily mind a robot being a little rough around the edges.
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