As reported by TVLine on January 31, 2023, CBS has reportedly given the green light to an Elsbeth Tascioni-centric spin-off. Appropriately titled “Elsbeth,” the series will see Carrie Preston return to the title role, which she reprised for multiple episodes of “The Good Fight,” to tackle crime in New York City. Tascioni made her first appearance on “The Good Wife” in Season 1’s “Mock” and would go on to feature in an additional 13 episodes. In that time, the scattered yet incredibly skilled lawyer became a fan favorite, as evidenced by her continued presence on the small screen all these years after her debut.
Not long after this news hit the internet, Elsbeth Tascioni herself, Carrie Preston, took to Twitter to express her excitement. She wrote in a Tweet, “So…. this just happened and I am absolutely insanely excited and grateful, especially to @RKing618 and Michelle King!” Going back to 2016, Preston spoke on the idea of a Tascioni solo series in an interview with HNGN, saying, “It seems like it would probably resemble something like ‘Columbo’ meets ‘Monk’ or something.” We’ll have to see if this prediction of the show’s tone and presentation will be accurate or if “Elsbeth” will be something else entirely.
At the time of publication, “Elsbeth” lacks a release date outside of the vague 2023-2024 timeframe, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more information about the long-awaited spin-off in the coming months.
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