Following her appearances on “The Mandalorian” and “The Book of Boba Fett,” Rosario Dawson reprised her role as Ahsoka Tano in 2023 with the eponymously titled “Ahsoka.” The series also served as a direct sequel to the animated adventure “Star Wars: Rebels” — and by extension, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” — with much of the cast of animated characters finally making their way into live-action.
In “Ahsoka,” the wayward former Padawan to Anakin Skywalker is back and tracking down Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelson). Her friends, meanwhile, are on a quest of their own, hoping to find their old rebel friend Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi). During her journey, Ahsoka is forced to face up to the demons from her past, which sees her come face to face with her old master (a surprise cameo from Hayden Christensen).
In addition to Dawson, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, and David Tennant take the roles of Hera, Sabine, and the robot Huyang, while Ray Stevenson plays the new villain Baylen Skoll in the final role of his career before his death. Full of high adventure, sci-fi action, an intriguing mystery, and a healthy dose of cosmic mysticism, “Ahsoka” proved irresistible to fans. And for those who’d been following the character since “The Clone Wars” in 2008, it was the culmination of more than a decade of stories.
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