The RRR team arrived in style at the Oscars 2023 ceremony at Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Ram Charan, his wife Upasana Kamineni, Jr NTR, SS Rajamouli, Rahul Sipligunj, Kaala Bhairava, and MM Keeravani attended the 95th Academy Awards. It was a special night for India and RRR team as the film won the Best Original Song Award for Naatu Naatu. While the internet is beaming with the Oscars win for RRR, we cannot forget an iconic red carpet moment served by Ram Charan’s wife, Upasana. She ditched the good ol’ gown for the Oscars ceremony and chose a classic white saree to represent India.
(Also Read | Oscars 2023: RRR actors Ram Charan and Jr NTR roar Indian elegance as they arrive at the Academy Awards red carpet)
Upasana Kamineni wears a saree to the Oscars
On Monday (IST), Ram Charan walked the champagne carpet at the Oscars ceremony with his pregnant wife, Upasana Kamineni. Like Ram Charan in a three-piece Indian sherwani, his wife also showcased the traditions and culture of India with a gorgeous saree. A strong advocate of eco-conscious and sustainable fashion, Upasana’s traditional yet elegant look for the 95th Academy Awards was testimony to her ethical choices. She exuded elegance in a sustainable customised ivory silk saree by Hyderabad-based designer Jayanti Reddy.
Upasana’s silk saree is made using handwoven silk – created from recycled scraps – to promote ethical and responsible fashion. The elegant six yards is adorned with handmade borders featuring an intricate design. She wore it with a matching silk blouse embellished with scalloped lace on the half-length sleeves.
Lastly, a handmade potli made from scraps, floral-shaped ruby earrings, a pearl statement necklace with a matching ruby floral ornament, and ornate bracelets complemented her traditional ensemble. A messy low bun, glossy mauve lip shade, a dainty bindi and minimal makeup rounded off the glam picks.
Hyderabad-based designer Jayanti Reddy, who also happens to be a dear friend of the couple, explained the thought behind Upasana’s red-carpet look. She said, “For her appearance at the Academy Awards, Upasana was eager to wear a handwoven and sustainable outfit. Keeping this in mind, we created a saree with spun silk made from recycled scraps of fabric and subtle embroidery. The eloquent saree was crafted by local Telangana artists and carried the essence of love and cultural heritage.”
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