Actor Priyanka Chopra is enjoying the success of her recently-released Prime video series Citadel with Richard Madden. The star’s rom-com Love Again with Sam Heughan was released in theatres. During the promotions of both projects, Priyanka displayed her fashion tour de force and delighted fans with back-to-back magnificent looks. Now, her stylist Rebecca Corbin-Murray has released pictures of a new look Priyanka donned while stepping out in New York City, and it will equally leave you swooning. It shows the star in sizzling red-coloured separates. Keep scrolling to read our download on the ensemble.
Priyanka Chopra’s steal-worthy red outfit
On Saturday, Priyanka Chopra’s stylist took to Instagram to share pictures of the actor in the sizzling red ensemble with the caption, “Episode 4 is out!!! @citadelonprime.” The post shows Priyanka stepping out in New York City, dressed in a cropped blouse, a mermaid-styled skirt, and killer boots. Her coordinated outfit is from the shelves of the clothing label Patou. She styled it with jewels from Bulgari (Priyanka is the global ambassador for the label). Fans loved the sartorial moment and flooded the comments section with compliments. Check out Priyanka’s photos and what her fans commented below.
Priyanka’s sizzling red cropped blouse and skirt come in a textured ruched fabric that hugged the star’s frame to accentuate her enviable curves. While the sleeveless top features a round neckline fitted bust and midriff-baring hem, the skirt has a high-rise waist and a ruffled silk-satin attachment on the hem to give it a mermaid-like silhouette.
Priyanka wore the ensemble with striking accessories, including killer red high-heel boots featuring a front lace-up design, sleek gold bracelets, statement rings, dainty hoop earrings, and black tinted broad sunglasses.
Lastly, Priyanka chose feathered brows, nude mauve lip shade, rouged cheekbones, light contouring, a dewy base, and shimmering highlighter for the glam picks. Centre-parted open wavy locks gave the finishing touch to the ensemble.
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