Addressing the public rally at the conclusion of party’s Bharat Jodo Yatra here on Monday, Priyanka Gandhi said, “When he marched towards Kashmir, Rahul sent his mother and me a message in which he said that he has a strong feeling that he is going home.
“When he started the Yatra all of us had apprehensions as to what would be the people’s response, would Rahul be received well, would people come out to meet him.
“This Yatra has proved that the fundamentals of peace, unity and love enshrined in our constitution are unassailable.
“People of Kashmir by attending today’s rally amid heavy snowfall have again given the country a ray of hope and I am sure this message will spread to the entire country.
“Politics of break and divide will not help this country. Peace, unity and love is the only way forward and Kashmir has stood to that ideal.
“I thank the people of Jammu and Kashmir for the love and affection with which we were treated here.”Former chief minister and PDP president, Mehbooba Mufti said at the rally, “Rahul, you said you have come to Kashmir, your home. It is your home. I hope what the Godse ideology snatched from Jammu and Kashmir, from this nation will be restored. Gandhiji said he can see a ray of hope in Jammu and Kashmir. Today, the nation can see a ray of hope in Rahul Gandhi”.
Former chief minister and National Conference leader, Omar Abdullah asked the former Congress president to undertake another yatra from west to east of the country.
“On this last function of the Yatra, I congratulate Gandhi on behalf of myself, my father and my party. This yatra has been successful. This yatra has shown that there are people in the country who like the BJP but there are also those who like the other idea which is of brotherhood.
“I request Rahul Gandhi to undertake a yatra from west to east. I would like to walk with him,” Omar said.
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