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Karla Homolka. Myra Hindley. Rosemary West. Carol West.
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The list of women who proved to be the feminine half of serial killing tag teams isn’t that long, and such beasts are rare indeed.
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One such animal was a quiet woman named Monique Olivier who helped her husband in scores of sex slayings of young girls around northern France.
Now, a new Netflix documentary entitled Monique Olivier: Accessory to Evil is streaming on Netflix. The documentary poses the question: Is Olivier a cold-blooded killer, or was she a victim of her monstrous husband, Michel Fourniret?
Between 1987 and 2003, the couple went on a sexual rampage kidnapping, raping and murdering at least nine young women. Cops believe there were many more.
Fourniret and Olivier were both bland slices of white bread on the planet. They were quiet. No one noticed.
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Olivier, the divorced mother of two young children, had escaped a violent marriage when she met the charming sex offender through a prison pen pal club. She was smitten.
“At first, they just write. The first time they really met is at the trial, when he is convicted,” lawyer Gerard Chemla told a French documentary.
“And what is extraordinary is that in their correspondence it is almost immediately apparent that they are making a sort of criminal pact. This pact entails that he will give her the revenge she seeks on the men who had hurt her. And she will then participate in the crimes he is planning to commit.”
What cops didn’t know in 1987 was that the weaselly, well-spoken man had already begun his campaign of murder.
Olivier spilled her guts out to Fourniret, finding an eager listener for her woeful existence. And soon things turned romantic and the gruesome twosome married.
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After 10 months, he was sprung from prison and the pair moved in together. Her children lived with their father.
Olivier would be unable to play babe in the woods. Her perverted paramour told his new bride he intended to hunt girls and young women, and soon, she was sharing his twisted hobby.
Detectives said that Olivier — not unlike Homolka — put a feminine face on their evil machinations and would be the one to approach potential victims. She even knew exactly what Fourniret was seeking.
Now matter what he asked, Olivier always complied.
When Fourniret was finally busted in 2003, initially, many in France were sympathetic to Olivier. She had been manipulated, controlled and abused. She later said he could become angry and violent in a flash, and that the serial killer even threatened to kill the child they had together.
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But it was all a ruse. Olivier was an equal evil opportunist. She was smart and was using the child for sympathy and had used the kid to lure in girls for the couple to rape and murder.
“During meals with their neighbours, she wasn’t allowed to speak, except when he wanted her to speak,” French serial killer expert Stephane Bourgoin said.
“But the moment they began to put their perversity into practice and commenced their murderous odyssey, she became a very active participant.”
She was found guilty of being an accessory to murder and engaging in several rapes.
Olivier was sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of applying for parole after serving a minimum of 28 years, in 2032. Fourniret is now serving a life sentence with no parole.
Monique Olivier: Accessory to Evil is streaming on Netflix.
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