Nora Fatehi is always on a spree of winning the Internet with her sartorial fashion statements. The actor, who is an absolute fashionista, keeps her fans updated with snippets from her fashion diaries on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. From acing sequined gowns to showing us how to layer a power suit with a casual twist, to being the stunning diva in her festive ensembles, Nora knows how to upgrade her fashion diaries with every attire. The actor’s fashion diaries are an absolute favourite among her fans and for all the right reasons. With every picture, Nora ensures to make fashion lovers scurry to take notes.
Nora, a day back, gave us major fashion goals in a sleek stylish monochrome co-ord set. The actor played muse to fashion designer house Balmain and decked up in the formal power suit all the while making us drool to her ensemble. Nora’s co-ord set is the ultimate TGIF mood as she slayed the look for the Friday. Nora decked up in a cropped monochrome top with black geometric patterns throughout. She further teamed it with a matching blazer with full sleeves and a zipper in the front. In matching formal trousers with wide legs and high waisted detail, Nora posed inside the car. “Your wife in the backseat of my brand-new foreign car. Don’t act like you forgot,” the actor accompanied her pictures with these words. Take a look at her ensemble here.
In black leather stilettos with pointed tips, Nora further accessorised her look for the day. The actor wore her tresses open in straight locks with a middle part as she posed for the pictures. In minimal makeup, Nora aced the look to perfection. The actor decked up in nude eyeshadow, black winged eyeliner, black kohl, mascara-laden eyelashes, drawn eyebrows, contoured cheeks and a shade of nude lipstick.
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