Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently seen hosting the fourteenth season of the quiz-based reality show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ will be turning 80 on October 11. To make his birthday more special, his son and Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan and his wife and veteran actress Jaya Bachchan will be seen taking the hot seat.
The makers dropped the promo of Big B’s birthday special episode in which the veteran star can be seen asking questions to the contestants and appeared to be surprised with the sound of the hooter.
He said: “Bahot jaldi khatam kar diya khel ko (Ended the game too soon)”. This was followed by his popular song ‘Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dil Mein Khayaal Aata Hai’ in the background as Abhishek entered and hugged Bachchan. This made him emotional and teary-eyed.
The angry young man of the film industry, born on October 11, 1942, has many times portrayed a revengeful character on the celluloid.
Starting from the 1969 film ‘Bhuvan Shome’, ‘Saat Hindustani’, to starring along with superstar Rajesh Khanna and then achieving success with his work in ‘Zanjeer’, ‘Deewar’ , ‘Don’ and ‘Trishul’, Bachchan has created his own influence and charm and his acting skills makes him an actor par excellence. In the recent poster released by the channel, Abhishek and Jaya, both can be seen along with Big B on ‘KBC 14’.
‘KBC 14’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television.
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