Joe Scarborough tore into gun rights advocates who argue against gun reform after mass shootings by claiming that it will gradually eradicate America’s freedoms.
As Morning Joe covered the ongoing fallout from the Allen, Texas outlet mall shooting, Scarborough once again blamed Governor Greg Abbott (R) by saying his inaction on guns is getting people killed in his state.
Since the massacre has prompted a resurgence of conversations about gun control, Scarborough had no patience for gun rights proponents who say that increased firearm regulations will eventually cause other liberties to erode.
“There is a slippery ope. The slippery slope, though, is going in the opposite direction,” Scarborough said.”When are we going to stand up? When are the 90 percent going to stand up and say ‘Yes! There is a slippery slope, and we’re with going down it, and that slope is slippery because of the blood of our infants that you are killing!’”
Scarborough continued by saying the gun violence epidemic “is going to keep getting worse until we stand up and vote, we stand up and raise our voices, we organize, we get out the vote, and we put in the legislators — Republicans, Independent and Democrats alike — that understand this gun madness has to stop.”
Jonathan Lemire followed up by assessing “more children will die” while gun-toting right still holds political power, even though their broader population is waning.
Watch above via MSNBC.
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