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A contestant who appeared on a recent episode of Jeopardy! is being blasted online after he was accused of being rude to his fellow competitors.
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The Final Jeopardy clue was in the category “British History,” and it read, “At Leicester Cathedral in March 2015, the Archbishop of Canterbury led a religious ceremony for this deceased English monarch.”
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Two competitors wagered — and lost — everything, with the first contestant, TJ Tallie, using his guess to give a shout out to the late actor Heath Ledger and his mom.
“I love it, but I can’t give you credit,” host Ken Jennings said.
Canadian lawyer Aaron Craig clapped and laughed, but when it was revealed he too was wrong, he enthusiastically celebrated his victory and blew a kiss toward the audience after his wager of $32 left him as the winner with a $9,768 on the board.
“Is there a more unlikable contestant than Aaron?” one person asked on X, with another responding that his “reaction was just jerky as heck.”
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“I was happy to see Aaron doing well until the gloating outburst,” a third fan wrote.
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“I turned the TV off after the self-congratulatory behaviour,” one viewer added on Reddit in a thread that discussed the episode. “I certainly am not rooting for this guy to win and not even sure if I’ll watch the rest of the tournament. I’ve watched Jeopardy! for decades and don’t recall seeing such rudeness.”
“The clapping at the end was unnecessary,” another Redditor remarked.
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But Craig’s actions did garner some support.
“I’d much rather have the contestants show some excitement when they win. There are way too many wooden contestants. It’s entertainment TV after all,” one supporter weighed in, while another added, “Heaven forbid a contestant have enough situational awareness to understand the importance of that clue and celebrate a little when he beat out two tough competitors to it.”
“It was was nice to see some emotion on stage,” a third watcher wrote.
Craig later weighed in on his harsh reception on Reddit, apologizing for getting “overly excited.”
“TJ (Tallie) and Leah (Wiegand) are amazing and lovely and brilliant, and either one would have been a great and deserving winner today,” Craig wrote. “I’m sorry if I got overly excited. I certainly didn’t mean to show anybody up, but my kids were there and I couldn’t believe that they got to watch me not just play in a semifinal, but win!
“Anyone who thinks I was over the top, that’s 1000% fair,” Craig added. “No argument here.”
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