People are not solitary creatures by nature. Psychiatrists and neuroscientists have long held that “humans are inherently social.”
So it should come as no surprise that community engagement is core not only to our basic survival but also to our ability to understand others and to think smarter and more critically about the world and our communities. Examining other viewpoints and hearing from others is a central component of critical thinking.
Yet, amid a massive “social” media boom, the strength people derive from interacting with each other and working collaboratively is – ironically – at risk as the way in which people access information undergoes a seismic shift.
As Americans head to the polls for a critical mid-term election, a new Reboot report studying the impact of election misinformation – and how it may undermine confidence in the democratic process – explored what is possible when community engagement is authentic and practiced. Reboot’s research shows that people who are more engaged in their communities and government are better equipped to protect themselves from misinformation and feel more empowered to deal with it.
Why does this matter?
Survey findings from the report, Misinformed & Misled: Uncertainty, Mistrust and Disinformation Frustrate Voters, show that currently only 28 percent of people are “very confident” in their ability to spot and check election misinformation – laying a foundation for distrust that chips away at how we learn from others, especially from those who hold differing views or perspectives.
But countering disinformation and disengagement can be done in many ways – with one powerful solution being old-fashioned community engagement.
Engaging meaningfully with your community, which harkens back to our nature as social creatures, was linked to voters’ confidence in their knowledge of elections, their skills in countering misinformation, and a sense of empowerment as they worked with others to achieve goals befitting their communities.
Of late, the importance of community engagement in advancing critical thinking, fighting political polarization and dispelling disengagement seems to be a missed opportunity. Yet, the more open people are to exploring other points of view, the better protected they are against manipulation by bad information.
The report defined engaged citizens as those who take steps like attending public meetings, protests and rallies, communicating with government officials, or working with others to solve local problems. These people were 67 percent more likely to identify election misinformation when compared to those with low community engagement.
People who interacted more with their local government, their communities, and leaders also tended to feel more confident in the integrity of the electoral system and felt that misinformation threatens democracy.
In contrast, respondents who reported having little to no engagement with their local government were among those with the least confidence in elections, and had low confidence in their ability to spot misinformation. Nor did they think that election misinformation is a significant threat to democracy.
So where can people go to re-discover the overall community engagement that helps us build better critical thinking skills? Sociologists cite the importance of a “third place.”
Urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg has written extensively about a “third place” and our need for them in a healthy functioning society. The “third place” is essentially where people go to hang out that is not work or home – coffee shops, social clubs, parks, beauty and barber shops. These are the places we connect and, Oldenburg argues, are often viewed as the anchors of communities where relationships form through spontaneous conversation and shared activities.
But amid busy schedules, competing interests, lack of time and far-flung lifestyles these forums for spontaneous social participation are hard to come by.
Instead, we now have “communities” online – be they instant messaging platforms like Discord, political chat groups, or social media platforms TikTok and Facebook. These social media sites are accessible with the tap of a fingertip, cater to casual interaction over in-depth conversation, and elevate quick, catchy headlines over vetted news and information.
And not only are they here to stay, many are banking on these online communities to become the norm. In 1992, the novel “Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson coined the term “metaverse” – essentially an alternate reality — consisting of an immersive 3D environment that mimics the physical world in digital format. Popular gaming sites like Fortnite, Roblox, and Minecraft have created their own social societies and centers of community engagement. Minecraft, in fact, is home to a virtual library that gives gamers around the globe access to censored books and articles.
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (formerly Facebook), has estimated that in less than a decade features of the metaverse will become mainstream, although investors and users are more skeptical. Nevertheless, Zuckerberg continues to throw considerable resources toward his vision of a metaverse that competes with our bricks and mortar lives in terms of social and economic engagement.
But can the allure of online community engagement ultimately compete with in-person connections? How conducive are online interactions to the tenets of true critical thinking? A parallel universe or metaverse society of casual connections with online personas, sexy headlines, and a lack of in-depth insight may ultimately prove as thin as the screens such societies are viewed on.
How can citizens counter the ease of online socialization in order to capitalize on the benefits of true community engagement?
It starts with logging off and joining in. It also requires a commitment to re-invest in traditional gathering places and a willingness to be open to new people and new experiences that may be encountered along the way.
As psychiatrists, neuroscientists and sociologists point out – we are built for this. It is part of our most basic nature. It is the way in which people can best position themselves to not be taken advantage of at the polls or elsewhere and it is how people can achieve common goals that benefit their community now and moving forward.
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