It’s always exciting to get a glimpse into a celebrity’s kitchen (seriously, we wish we had that much counter space!). The latest star to share a peek into their kitchen is Hailey Bieber, who recently announced a brand-new show on her YouTube channel called What’s In My Kitchen?
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Bieber posted a teaser for the show on TikTok, where she dropped a pretty useful piece of intel: the exact pan she uses to make her famous Sunday morning chocolate chip pancakes. In the video below, Bieber uses the HexClad 10-inch Hybrid Pan to make her yummy, protein-packed pancake recipe. This patented pan is made of premium stainless steel with a high-grade, non-toxic non-stick coating—so you never have to worry about your pancakes getting stuck.
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Hailey Bieber’s Sunday Morning Chocolate Chip Pancakes:
As for the pancakes themselves, Bieber walked through her go-to recipe so you can recreate her favorite Sunday brunch dish in your own kitchen. Some unique features of the recipe? She added Orgain Chocolate Protein Powder to the batter for an extra boost of protein and whipped up a packet of Zuma Valley Coconut Cream for a delicious non-dairy topping.
Bieber’s What’s In My Kitchen? is a spin-off of her show Who’s In My Bathroom? The new show is inspired by her love of food and trying out different recipes. (We’re already big fans of her pizza toast and strawberry glaze skin smoothie!) In the first full episode, Bieber also shows us how to make protein coffee to go along with her pancakes—and we can’t wait to try that recipe next.
Happy brunching!
Next: Justin Bieber Shares Romantic Photos of Hailey for Her Birthday
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The British actor, who parted from The Witcher and DCEU franchises, just announced his partnership with Viscuso on Warhammer 40,000. The pair first made their red carpet debut at the October 2022 premiere of Enola Holmes 2.
Get to know Henry Cavill's girlfriend and find out who else the hunk has dated through the years.
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Who is Henry Cavill dating?
Henry Cavill is dating Natalie Viscuso. The pair went public in April 2021, when Cavill posted a photo playing chess with Viscuso, who he called his \"beautiful and brilliant love.\"