A discussion on women voters in the midterm elections on Wednesday’s episode of The Five briefly derailed after a snickering Greg Gutfeld made an off-color comment about abortion.
“Jessica, you’re a White woman, or so you identify as,” he said to cohost Jessica Tarlov. “Because you have kids, that changes your filter. Suddenly it’s about the price of baby food, not the price of an abortion. Abortion takes a backseat to applesauce. Is that a fair assessment?”
“Well, Married women do also have abortions,” she replied. “So, that is something to note.”
“I think that’s a valiant point, Jessica,” he responded. “They can be just as murderous as single women.”
Some of the cohosts laughed, but not Tarlov.
“Sure,” she deadpanned. “I’m not going to fall down the trap of saying also that women vote how their husbands vote because we’ve seen obviously that that has diverged.”
“Only the smart women, Jessica,” he shot back.
“Trying to get me in trouble,” she said, trying to ignore Gutfeld. “So these were never our voters. They swing in and out depending on the election, and 2020 had a really big name on the ballot. It had Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and that’s how we were able to pick off so many White suburban voters who typically vote Republican.”
Democrats have sought to bring abortion to the forefront as a midterm election issue. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and with it a constitutional right to abortion. Polling suggests it may not be enough to prevent Democrats from losing control of Congress.
“I don’t think it’s something that isn’t important to them,” Tarlov said of women voters and abortion. “But you’re going to have to rank your choices, you’re going to have to pick a lane. And White suburban women, I didn’t expect a 26-point swing but, they’re picking a lane and it’s not voting on a social issue.”
Watch above via Fox News.
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