Quentin Tarantino helmed the two-part “CSI” episode “Grave Danger,” which served as the Season 5 finale. The double installment was the director’s first project following the release of “Kill Bill: Volume 2” in 2004 (although he directed one scene of 2005’s “Sin City”). The episode revolves around the search for CSI Nick Stokes (George Eads), who gets buried alive by his kidnapper. In a 2006 interview with Review Graveyard, Helgenberger was asked what it was like to work with Tarantino. “It was a few things,” she said. “First off I’m a huge fan of his before we even met and he is just a really good guy. He’s incredibly creative and inspired and imaginative and a nice person. He’s nice to everybody and that was great to work with somebody you’re a fan of.”
She then spoke about the experience of his immersive directing style and its difficulty. “It was arduous,” she admitted. “It was a lot of long hours and a lot of late nights, shooting in a nursery where there was just piles of fertilizer that reeked of manure, throughout the night you know, that kind of stuff.” The veteran performer went on to say that everyone on set gave the director absolutely everything due to the excitement they all felt in getting the chance to work with him. All the hard work paid off, with both parts of “Grave Danger” earning ratings of 8.5 on IMDb, the highest scores of the whole season.
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