In a bid to facilitate and ease international trade in Indian rupees, the government of India on Wednesday allowed trade settlement in the Indian currency for export promotion schemes. With the amendment to the Foreign Trade Policy, invoicing, payment, and settlement of trade can now take place in Indian rupee.
“The updated provisions for Export Realisation in Indian rupees have been notified for, imports for exports (Para 2.46 of FTP), export performance for recognition as Status Holders (Para 3.20 of FTP), Realisation of export proceeds under Advance Authorisation (AA) and Duty-Free Import Authorisation (DFIA) schemes (Para 4.21 of FTP) and Realisation of Export Proceeds under Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme (Para 5.11 of HBP),” it added.
Accordingly, benefits/incentives/fulfilment of Export Obligations under the Foreign Trade Policy will be extended for realisations in Indian Rupees as per the RBI guidelines.
“Given the rise in interest in the internationalisation of the Indian Rupee, the given Policy amendments have been undertaken to facilitate and to bring ease in international trade transactions in Indian Rupees,” the government’s announcement read.
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