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There’s no time to waste – especially when it comes to wasting food.
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And this is the perfect week to discuss this sensitive subject, given it is Food Waste Action Week, taking place to March 12, and a time for Canadians to be totally honest with themselves when it comes to the amount of perfectly edible stuff people are throwing out that’s landing in Canadian landfills at an alarming waste.
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In conjunction with the Vancouver-based National Zero Waste Council, and Love Food Hate Waste Canada, the messaging is all about debunking everything from best-before date myths to how your freezer can be a consumer’s best friend along with helping consumers know the proper way of storing foods to avoid spoilage, and ending up getting thrown out.
This messaging couldn’t be more critical. Food prices are skyrocketing, food banks are breaking under demand, and yet Canadians are dumping food at an alarming rate – even more heartbreaking when you consider just how much money those groceries are costing us.
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It’s difficult to fathom the numbers: According to the UN, an estimated third of all food produced – about 1.3 billion tonnes – is wasted or lost each year. About 14% of food globally and as much as 40% in some markets spoils before it even reaches the retailers.
We’re talking foods that have been “lost between harvest and retail. An estimated 17% is wasted in retail and at the consumption level,” noted their website. It comes at a time when 811 million people in the world go hungry.
In Canada, food waste is a growing disaster: Ontario’s Second Harvest earlier reported that over half of all food made in Canada ends up wasted. The federal government’s website reported that food loss and waste occur “throughout the entire supply chain.”
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The reality is there are no easy answers to this growing crisis. Awareness and action are keys to making the messaging a success.
The National Zero Waste Council and Love Food Hate Waste Canada reports the average Canadian household throws away $1,300 of edible food per year – the equivalent of about of 4.5 meals per week.
“At a time when food costs are higher than ever, Canadians are seeking more ways to use up items in their fridges and pantries or make those products last longer,” said Craig Hodge, chair of the National Zero Waste Council, in a recent media release. “We are excited to join forces with (like-minded) organizations around the world…because every victory — big or small — adds up.”
This includes consumers learning to shop properly so that nothing goes to waste. Especially when one considers that 63% of the food Canadian households waste is considered “avoidable,” meaning it was edible at some point prior to being thrown away or composted. This avoidable food waste adds up to 2.3 million tonnes per year, costing the equivalent of more than $20 billion.
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And – all types of foods re being wasted, the most common being fruits and vegetables, followed by cooked leftovers, breads, baked goods, dairy and eggs.
This year’s campaign slogan is witty, easy to remember – and even easier to practice: “Win. Don’t Bin – save money and time by making the most of the food you buy.”
Food waste is solvable. We all have to do our part – from producers to distributors to consumers. Next time you’re eyeing that wilted broccoli, or celery rib, a carrot looking a wee bit long in the tooth, remember – these are the jewels of the kitchen that have the capability of being re-imagined into a delicious and nourishing soup or stew. With nothing going to waste.
#FoodWasteActionWeek, #WinDontBin,
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Courtesy National Zero Waste Council and Love Food Hate Waste Canada:
- Be strategic and plan for the right amount. Plan a meal dedicated to using up leftovers.
- Simply reheat. Enjoy leftovers at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
- Re-purpose into something new. Get creative and turn your leftovers into new meal ideas.
- Store well for best results. Proper storage is key.
- Freeze for the future. If you can’t eat them right away, freeze leftover
– Check out for more details
Difference Between Expired and Best-Before Dates, according to the Canadian Institute of Food Safety website:
“A best before date on a food package states when the durable life period of the food ends. According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, durable life means “the anticipated amount of time that an unopened food product, when stored under appropriate conditions, will retain its freshness, taste, nutritional value, or any other qualities claimed by the manufacturer.”
“An expiry date is not the same as a best before date. These dates are required on certain foods that have specific nutritional compositions that could falter after the determined expiration date. In other words, after the expiration date has passed, the food may not have the nutrient content as described on the label…and should be discarded and not used.
“Confusion can happen with the different types of dates on packaging due to different wording.”
Check out for more information.
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