As Shilpa walked away with the BB11 trophy, her ex Romit Raj took to Twitter to congratulate the actor’s fans. Romit, who had worked with Shilpa on 2009 show Maayka, wrote: “Most deserving & Best Contestant Wins Tonight with all the love & unconditional support of #Shilpians God bless #BB11 #BiggBoss11 #BiggBossFinale #BB11Update #ColorsTV #Fans #BiggBoss #BB11Finale #ShilpaShinde #Shilpa #heartiestcongratulations.” (sic).
Most deserving & Best Contestant Wins Tonight with all the love & unconditional support of #Shilpians God bless #BB11 #BiggBoss11 #BiggBossFinale #BB11Update #ColorsTV #Fans #BiggBoss #BB11Finale #ShilpaShinde #Shilpa #heartiestcongratulations
— Romit Raj Prasher (@RajRomit) January 14, 2018
Shilpa and Romit were all set to tie the knot in 2009, but they reportedly called it off because the latter’s family was demanding too much.
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