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That sound you hear? Men around the world cheering after a new study found the average length of a man’s erect penis has grown by 24% in the last 30 years.
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But while that may sound like good news – for men and their sexual partners – male fertility experts aren’t so sure.
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“The million-dollar question is why this would occur,” Dr. Michael Eisenberg, a urologist and male fertility specialist at Stanford Medicine who led the research published in the most recent issue of the World’s Journal of Men’s Health, told USA Today.
Their research also found that testosterone levels have gone down in recent years, while sperm count has plummeted significantly – by 60% in 45 years.
Penile length may not be directly related to fertility, Eisenberg said, but anything that changes the reproductive system is fundamental to human existence and is “something we should pay attention to and try to understand why.”
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In a nutshell, penises may be getting longer, but they are also becoming less effective.
The data analyzed 75 studies conducted between 1942 and 2021 that measured the penises of nearly 56,000 men.
The average length of the erect penis across all regions and decades was about 5.5 inches, with the average length of a penis growing from 4.8 inches to six inches over the past 29 years, the study found.
Dr. James Hotaling, a urologist and men’s infertility specialist at University of Utah Health, told the publication that boys are hitting puberty earlier, so their bodies have more time to grow and, as a result, their penises are growing longer.
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Hotaling, however, added the most likely reason for lengthier penises is the way men are measuring their members – but like Hotaling’s other theory, there is no evidence that proves this is the case.
Meanwhile, Eisenberg said the decades-long growth could be due to changes in the environment, like “pollutants or increasing sedentary lifestyles.”
The researchers are considering looking at the pediatric population “to see if there are similar changes.”
He explained: “Just as we measure height and weight every year across the U.S., this is something else we could measure in a systematic fashion.”
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