President Joe Biden’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) nominee Gigi Sohn called for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to “elevate our country” in a 2020 video reviewed by the Daily Caller.
In June 2020, during the George Floyd riots, Sohn appeared on the podcast “Elevate Maryland,” during which host Tom Coale asked her to name one thing America needs. In response, Sohn called for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission modeled on the commission that South Africa’s post-apartheid government set up in 1996 to hear testimony from victims and perpetrators of civil rights abuses.
“How we end most of our podcasts is … ‘What do we all need to do to elevate Maryland?’ But for guests of a national scope, we changed that a little bit to say, ‘What do we need to do to elevate our country?’” Coale asked Sohn.
“What do we need? You know what we need? … We need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” Sohn responded, drawing a deep grunt of approval from Coale.
“We need to do what they did in South Africa,” Sohn continued. “So I was privileged enough to get — my mom took me to South Africa in 2000, right after apartheid broke. And, you know, it was right when [South African President Nelson] Mandela was in charge. And, you know, it was so fascinating to see a city that had been torn asunder trying to come back together again. I think that’s what we need. I think we need to come to a common understanding of what the truth is. Right?”
She went on to attack then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling on Democrats to “get rid of” him, and to criticize Americans who refused to wear masks. (RELATED: Clinton Labor Secretary Wants A ‘Truth And Reconciliation Commission’ To ‘Erase Trump’s Lies’)
“And we also have to, you know, we have to really — You know, Mitch McConnell said that the way that we atone for the original sin was by electing Barack Obama. That guy! We got to get rid of that guy. I mean, we need to have a real conversation about, you know, about race relations in this country, about differences and how we, you know, how we bridge the gap,” she said.
“But again, we’ve lost the meaning of truth, we’ve lost what is true in this country about everything. I mean, the fact that there were still people and significant numbers of people that won’t wear a goddamn mask, you know, in a public place, it’s just — it’s unbelievable to me,” Sohn continued before turning her attention to then-President Donald Trump.
“And that’s because, you know, this president — and it started before him, okay, it started before him,” she said. “So I’m more then happy — I’m happy to keep blame on him, but it started before him. But there’s one party that does not care about the truth. And I think that’s the first thing that, you know, if, you know, God willing, Joe Biden gets elected, he needs to have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. And people have to come and speak and talk about, you know, about their experience and what is true and what is not,” Sohn added. (RELATED: Biden’s FCC Pick Gigi Sohn Cut Sweetheart Deal With Broadcasters One Day After Nomination)
This interview does not appear to have be disclosed in Sohn’s recent questionnaire.
The FCC and the White House did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller’s inquiries about Sohn’s remarks.
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