In the “Andor” episode “One Way Out,” the new inmate’s arrival on the workshop floor triggers the escape plan into motion. Cassian starts the process by jamming the workshop’s lift, which in turn signals the other inmates to go after the guards with whatever objects they have to hand. The new man on the floor also gets in on the action, courageously taking down a guard who assaulted him. But even as he helps make the breakout a success he is killed, and fans were quick to salute his brief but gung-ho contribution.
Posting on the r/Star Wars discussion of the episode, user u/johngie cheered, “Mad respect to the new man on the floor. Gets tazed, dishes out a taze of his own, dies for a rebellion he didn’t even know existed.” Redditor u/hopelessbrows just felt bad for the poor short-timer, saying “I feel so sad for New Guy.” But user u/ltreyaway viewed the moment in a different light, posting, “New Guy lived more in his one minute of screen time than most of us will in our whole lives. Don’t feel sad for New Guy. Envy New Guy! Be New Guy!” Meanwhile, on the Andor subreddit, user u/futremaline also wanted to highlight the character’s heroism and give him a suitable send-off, writing “Can we get a rest in peace for the new guy… God speed new guy, we hardly knew ye.”
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