As mentioned earlier, throughout “American Horror Story: NYC,” Big Daddy often appears and disappears seemingly at will. Though most of the time he just anonymously pops up in the background with little response, there are some moments where he physically attacks people, like when he kills Barbara (Leslie Grossman), attacks Patrick twice, and firebombs a gay bar. Big Daddy also seems to be almost invincible, because he is shot at two different points in the story but always vanishes before anybody can remove his mask. This enigmatic nature of Big Daddy is certainly rife for speculation and considering that the finale of “AHS: NYC” is full of allegories and metaphors, it makes sense as to why fans wasted no time in analyzing this character.
Over on Twitter, @bvdgvy asked if Big Daddy is the personification of the AIDS virus, and wondered what exactly is going on with the character. In response, @hector_meow replied, “For those of you confused: Whitely was a legitimate killer. BUT Big daddy is a metaphorical manifestation of the virus. If you see him or he appears, you’re infected.” @PlastikCherry thought that Big Daddy just represented just a general manifestation of death, while @LAHcomic stated, “Almost gave up on this season….but then WHEN YOU GET IT….DAMN.” So it seems like Twitter assumes Big Daddy is either an embodiment of a virus or death, but these weren’t the only comments on social media involving the mysterious figure.
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